What is Captiwate?
Getting traffic to your site is expensive, and then most of those visitors do not convert, and you are left in the dark about who they were. Sales and marketing teams are left with few leads, leading to missed pipeline goals.
By implementing visitor identification, marketing teams can pinpoint successful and unsuccessful campaigns, and also supply insights for outbound teams.
Captiwate connects account level and visitor level information with behavior monitoring, giving more insight into the intent level of your prospects.
Paired with our in-browser call function, you can stand out in the era of inbox spamming with AI messages.
Your sales team can contact high-intent prospects on your site in real time, have conversations and book new opportunities.
Become more than an unknown number, and forget about number blocking.
Keep bot messages and AI limited to low priority interactions and bring back human touch to the process - empowering your salespeople to do what they are good at: connect and lead.
With our Hubspot integration and notifications, you won't miss hot leads, and your prospects will have a seamless experience without handover hiccups.
Install Captiwate in 5 minutes, and get results from day 1. Don't take any risks - use our free trial.