Complete Intelligence

Complete Intelligence Reviews

Serchen Index

1 Review

Complete Intelligence Reviews



1 Review

Last reviewed on
21 April 2021

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Tuesday, January 5, 2021

I need a firm understanding of both fiscal and monetary policies and foreign exchange rates to understand how commodity prices might react in the future because a depreciating and/or appreciating currency can impact the trade flows, and often very quickly, which might influence decisions we make.

Our copper concentrate produced in Australia and Brazil may end up being refined locally or overseas. And then it is turned into a metal, which then may be turned into a wire or rod, and then used in an electric vehicle sold in New York, an air conditioner sold in Johannesburg, or used in the motor of a wind turbine in Denmark. The copper market is an incredibly complex system.

If your model isn’t dynamic and responsive in events like we are experiencing today, then it is not insightful. If it’s not insightful, it’s not influencing and informing decisions. Complete Intelligence provides a different insight compared to how the traditional price and foreign exchange models work.

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