Tuesday, May 19, 2020 #80229 Vilde Danial from JRNORDITRANSPORT.NO (26 - 50 Employees) I am Vilde Danial, My Company website is JRNORDITRANSPORT.NO Onlive Server host my site and also offer me secured a good position. Their hosting services are good and the features offered by them are very useful and customer support is excellent. I am very much impressed and happy about their service provided. Overall RatingEase of UseFeaturesValue for MoneyCustomer SupportLikely to Recommend Did you find this review helpful?
Wednesday, May 13, 2020 #80153 Maja krog from JPREHAB.NO (51 -100 Employees ) I am Maja krog am so grateful for Onlive Server. My business is JPREHAB.NO and we get hosting services by this orgranization. They are provide great hosting services and also permit several different levels of server management. Overall RatingEase of UseFeaturesValue for MoneyCustomer SupportLikely to Recommend Did you find this review helpful?
Wednesday, May 13, 2020 #80151 Alisha Winge from Øygarden Rørleggerservice As (11 - 25 Employees) Hallo, I am Alisha Winge, The managing director of Øygarden Rørleggerservice As I am thankful for Onlive Server Company for offering such best server hosting to my company. I appreciate to their dedicated team and staff those who providing best Service. My Website is running smoother than before. thatsway I recommend to everyone to go with Onlive Server. Thank-You Overall RatingEase of UseFeaturesValue for MoneyCustomer SupportLikely to Recommend Did you find this review helpful?
Wednesday, May 6, 2020 #80111 Arne Bygg from abyggogfasade.no (26 - 50 Employees) A-BYGG & FASADE AS is carpentry and excavation company. We carry out all joinery and plumbing work, for private and business. I purchased hosting services for their company from "Onlive Server". It have best technologies in terms of best features, fast servers, and solid security for your websites. Overall RatingEase of UseFeaturesValue for MoneyCustomer SupportLikely to Recommend Did you find this review helpful?
Wednesday, May 6, 2020 #80040 Noah Markus from bmanlegg.no (26 - 50 Employees) BM ANLEGG AS is best and cheapest excavation company. Our strength is trust and focus on best solutions and always top quality. BM ANLEGG AS hosted by "Onlive Server" best and Cheap Web Hosting company. It providing best and consistent service from the many years. Overall RatingEase of UseFeaturesValue for MoneyCustomer SupportLikely to Recommend Did you find this review helpful?
Friday, May 1, 2020 #79967 Terje Stein from blankenbergtransport.no (26 - 50 Employees) Blankenberg Transport is Drainage and Transport company. We work done as expected, fast and efficient, nice people. I purchased hosting services for their company from "Onlive Server". It have best technologies in terms of best features, fast servers, and solid security for your websites. Overall RatingEase of UseFeaturesValue for MoneyCustomer SupportLikely to Recommend Did you find this review helpful?
Friday, May 1, 2020 #79953 Billy Denial from billytransport.no (26 - 50 Employees) Billy Transport AS is best and cheapest transport company. We take on the vast majority of freight transport assignments. Billy Transport AS hosted by "Onlive Server" best and Cheap Web Hosting company. It providing best and consistent service from the many years. Overall RatingEase of UseFeaturesValue for MoneyCustomer SupportLikely to Recommend Did you find this review helpful?
Friday, May 1, 2020 #79914 Danial Philips from HVERDAGSHJELPEN-SORVARANGER.NO (251 - 500 Employees) I am Danial Philips, My business website is "I am Jenny Myhre and am so thankful for Onlive Server. This company host my business website HVERDAGSHJELPEN-SORVARANGER.NO with efficiently. They are allow great hosting services and also provide several different levels of server management, ranging from unmanaged to 100% fully managed. Its provide 24*7 tech support services, and solve my query quickly. Overall RatingEase of UseFeaturesValue for MoneyCustomer SupportLikely to Recommend Did you find this review helpful?
Thursday, April 30, 2020 #79912 Johnny Nilsen from Johnny Nilsen vedlikehold og utleie (26 - 50 Employees) "Johnny Nilsen vedlikehold og utleie" is construction and building maintenance company . We have good experience with the construction of garages. I have chosen the more hosting services and plans of "Onlive Server", because it always provide awesome performance for site. Overall RatingEase of UseFeaturesValue for MoneyCustomer SupportLikely to Recommend Did you find this review helpful?
Thursday, April 30, 2020 #79911 Grete Ibsen from Ambulant Team As (2 - 10 Employees) Hallo,I am Grete, the managing director of “ATA Consult AS” Company. I am grateful for Onlive Server for the best server hosting. I got the reliable server hosting for my website. The technical experts are very supportive for growth of business website. I am very happy to connect with Onlive Server Company. Thank-You Overall RatingEase of UseFeaturesValue for MoneyCustomer SupportLikely to Recommend Did you find this review helpful?