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What is BizPlanBuilder?

Your Ready-Made Toolset for Framing the Foundation and Direction of Your Business

Organize Ideas, Re/Model Your Business, Raise Capital, Attract Customers, STAY in Business & Laugh All the way to the Bank!

I‘ve been helping entrepreneurs and business owners for more than 40 years...
mostly from within our Business Power Tools software apps and templates, and thru my blogs and book, "Business Black Belt."

In the early ’80s, I was the electronics buyer and copywriter for the Sharper Image catalog.
Later, I also sold some really cool word-processors in Silicon Valley.

After Macs and PCs became popular, I started my own business creating sales literature for tech companies.

A friend had a deal going to sell his engineering software to Apple.
They wanted to see his business plan to be sure his company would stay in business to upgrade and support the system.

At the time, I viewed a business plan as an elaborate brochure that sold his concept to people at all levels, and responsibilities with various perceptions, biases, and interests.
(I learned that from selling word-processors.).

We Got the Deal.

Over the next year, people came to me with some brilliant ideas, but their plans weren’t getting funded.
I helped them fill in the missing parts to succeed.
Along the way, I saw that business plans have a fundamentally universal structure.


What if I took all the content I’d developed, redacted everything proprietary, but filled in the blanks with a variety of customizable multiple-choice options, and offered it as a software template that many people could use?

This became BizPlanBuilder.
And it became a hit!

We followed-up with MarketingBuilder, which picked-up where BizPlanBuilder left off, then we went even further with PRBuilder which included sample press release templates…

In another direction, we added EmployeeManualBuilder and SafetyPlanBuilder full of actual policies and procedures.

Altogether, we had 10 products in about 3,500 retail stores and built a $12 million company with 30 employees…

Today, all of our products have been integrated into a streamlined online dashboard.
And we’ve become the leader in business development software templates.

Along the way, I was elected to the White House Conference on Small Business and
was nominated for Ernst & Young’s “Entrepreneur of the Year" award.

My book, Business Black Belt, applies lessons from 40+ years of personal development workshops, martial arts, and real-world business success to building companies.

It’s important to me that good companies, products, and people succeed!”
The Business Power Tools® dashboard is ideal for startups, small / growing companies, and business advisors.

My Mission:
"Make the best tools to help inventors, entrepreneurs and business leaders start, build and promote their companies for their personal success as well as the benefit of our world."

BizPlanBuilder Key Features

Hundreds of Business Growth Templates

Secure Dashboard Enables Collaboration

All Tools Work Like Office

33+ Years of Evolution

Includes CRM

Includes Stock Options Plan Documents

Intro Tutorial Video With Every Section

Customizable Financial Models in Excel

Investor Pitch Deck Template + Tutorial

What is BizPlanBuilder?

BizPlanBuilder Product Details

You’re Here to Produce a Winning Business Plan,
Let’s Make Sure it Does Everything You Need.

BizPlanBuilder® creates a detailed strategic business plan for “lean” growth and,
if or when you need it, a credible and compelling pitch to raise money on the best terms.

Customizable, professionally-scripted narrative, financial models, supporting docs….
with video tutorials make it easy.

From 33+ years of evolution, 2,000,000+ copies in use, and billions raised,
with feedback from thousands of business leaders, advisors, and investors, we’ve learned a lot…
and formulated all of it into the new BizPlanBuilder — It's become a proven, trusted,
“practical and tactical” business-building roadmap and investor proposal to grow your company.

“Bootstrapping” or Self-Funding Without Outside Capital.
Many of our subscribers have bypassed outside investors
in favor of organically building their businesses and keeping full control.

We did that too, and originally created BizPlanBuilder for ourselves.
We've used it with banks ($750,000), the SBA ($225,000), and angel investors ($200,000).
We have many testimonials from customers who have raised many millions (collectively Billions).

Raising Capital.
Only 3-5% of startups get funded. Why? Because a summary and pitch deck just aren’t enough to go the distance.
Investors may get excited at first, but wake up tomorrow with questions and want detailed proof that you’ve thoroughly researched your industry and business, and have the capability for success.

Strategic Planning.
Repeatable, scalable processes require organization, building teams, and managing employees.
Control the chaos and continue growing smoothly.

Build your case for a bright future and higher valuation.
Add the processes and systems that make it attractive to sell faster at a higher price.

The Better Job You Do On Your Plan, the Better Deals You'll Make!

BizPlanBuilder Free Trial Information

14-Day Free Trial on Everything.
60-Day Guarantee.
Price Protection - Keep Your Subscription Active and Your Price Remains the Same.

Countries BizPlanBuilder Services Available In

Everywhere - Speaking, Reading, Writing English

BizPlanBuilder Pricing

$27 / Mo.
$270 / Yr.
$397 Lifetime.
Cancel/Suspend Anytime.
We'll save your work for when you come back!

BizPlanBuilder Support & Customer Service

Includes Intro Tutorial Videos with Every Section.
Explains what Lenders and investors are looking for in your business plan.
Includes comprehensive "Handbook of Business Planning".
"How to Gain the Advantage with Investors and Lenders"

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BizPlanBuilder Reviews



9 Reviews

Last reviewed on
05 April 2023

What do you think?

Help other software buyers make informed decisions.

Monday, April 3, 2023

“I have used BizPlanBuilder and it has an incredible amount of information, templates, spreadsheets, sample content, and tools in it. It is a very robust system (way more robust and flexible than LivePlan, if you ask me)! Burke has decades of experience with business financing and business planning software. I have also used Burke as a guest speaker to talk about pitch development and pitching angel investors, etc., as part of the ScaleUp program. Burke is a great resource for us to have available to us!”

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Saturday, October 31, 2020

Having been an entrepreneur since 1988, more than once hanging on by a fingernail, handicapped by not knowing what I didn’t know, I think the compendium of tools you have
compiled in the last 30 years can be lifesavers.”
~ Jim Wong, Lt. Colonel, USMC Retired, California Veterans Chamber of Commerce

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Friday, March 20, 2020

The BizPlanBuilder worked great for our startup company. It saved us weeks of writing content simply by adding our language to some of the content.

Overall Rating

Ease of Use


Value for Money

Customer Support

Likely to Recommend

1 of 1 people found this review helpful.
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Sunday, April 28, 2019

“I bought your Biz Plan Builder many years ago as I was expanding my non-profit around the world…. now we are global. Today, before you finish your dinner tonight, our harvest teams in 1,103 cities of the world will serve 1 million meals. Yes, I’ll add you to my network.”
~ Helen verDuin Palit, Founder,

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Saturday, April 20, 2019

“I’ve raised over $14,000,000 utilizing your software to build and sell two companies. Thank you.”
~ Daniel E. Ezelle

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Sunday, March 10, 2019

“I wanted to let you know that this is my 4th company I have started using your Business Plan Builder system. The first company was back in 1996 which I sold 1 year later for $16 million. Here I am back at it again! Your system is bigger and better than ever!”
~ Shawn Steiner

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Monday, February 6, 2017

"The sections of your plan that a lender will focus on include those addressing historical performance, projected future performance, and management experience. (If you need help putting together an appropriate business plan, try using the BizPlanBuilder software tool. It is easy to use and recognizable to most lenders.)"

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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

"I found it especially difficult to articulate my plan in a manner that would attract investors and the bank. I purchased BizPlanBuilder and developed my plan. There is a lot of detail in between, but, to get to the point... my plan, thanks to BizPlanBuilder, became a multi-million dollar company located in five states, and recently sold to a larger public company for more than $75,000,000.

With gratitude, I wish you and your staff kindest regards and THANK YOU!"
~ Brian Kahan, Boca Raton, FL

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Tuesday, January 20, 2004

“BizPlanBuilder is our BEST BUY because it cuts through the complexity of developing a plan and helps you produce slick-looking results. Its exhaustive template walks you through every step from cover letter to the appendix, with plenty of samples…

BizPlanBuilder also offers a better collection of financial tables, ratios, and projections than any competitor.”
~ Mike Hogan, PC World Magazine

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