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What is Encyro?

Encyro Inc is making security easy for accountants, physicians, lawyers, benefits services, loan officers, financial advisers, insurance firms, real estate services, non-profits and professional firms that want quick and easy client file sharing.

With Encyro, you can **send encrypted email and attachments to any email address without frustrating recipients with passwords** or difficult message retrieval steps. Comply with regulations and stay secure. Shared files auto-organize into client folders.

Encyro offers **electronic signatures** with custom branding, free tamper verification, audit trails, and re-usable templates that work with changing files. Encyro electronic signatures also let you control login options, require an **access code by SMS/text**, and control whether typed or hand-drawn signatures are allowed. Signers without touch screens may scan a QR code with their phone and draw their signature on the phone screen while reviewing the document on a computer.

Encyro makes secure messaging and files easy for you and your clients:
1. No client setup or configuration. Simply **send secure to any email address**.
2. Recipients do not need to sign up for an Encyro account and can access their secure message and files with one click. The message expires for security but creating a free account lets them retain the message if they desire.
3. **Clients can send secure files to you without creating an account** as well, using a secure upload page that is customized with your branding.
4. Files automatically organize into client folders - no more searching through long email threads.
5. No need to install certificates or encryption keys, either for you or for your clients.
6. All data is backed up with encryption at two distant data centers to protect against major events.

Encyro makes e-signatures secure and easy:
1. Advanced login options where you may specify the use of a password, or access code by text to ensure that the right person is signing.
2. Dynamic file templates let you use the same signature boxes and other settings such as automated reminders even when a new file is generated for signature for each client.
3. Access codes by text message let you meet IRS KBA requirements for Forms 8879 and related series.
4. Free tamper verification for e-signatures executed by Encyro even for signers without an Encyro account.
5. Free audit trails access bundled with the signed documents so you need not track audit trails separately in your workflow and always have them available wherever you store your signed documents.
6. You control whether hand drawn or typed signatures are allowed.
7. Your custom branding shows in e-sign email notifications and on the signature page.

Encyro also provides free **Outlook and Gmail addons**.

Encyro's technology is built from the ground up for security, ease of use, and high performance. We also employ some of the latest cloud platforms and software engineering advances to offer our products at low prices.

Encyro Key Features

16 layers of security

Custom branding: your logo and colors

Audit trails and compliance settings

Login with Google, Facebook, or password

Mobile friendly, send from phone camera

Automatic file organization

Multi-key encryption

Multi-location encrypted backups

Automatic client account and folders

Team accounts with multiple users

What is Encyro?

Encyro Product Details

  • Super easy to use. What used to take 10 steps with other file sharing software now gets done with just 2 steps.
  • Save time. Client setup is fully automated - you can send secure to any email address. No need to create special folders and set sharing permissions. Clients do not need to track shared links or email attachments.
  • Clients can send you secure messages and files with a simple link click in your email signature. Showcase your branding, logo, and colors.
  • Comply with HIPAA, GDPR, Gramm Leach Bliley (GLB) Act, IRS Pub. 4557, PCI-DSS, SOX and other security and privacy regulations.
  • Free integration with Microsoft Outlook - compose emails and add attachments as usual but send secure.
  • Mobile friendly - send pictures of signed documents directly from your smartphone.
  • Stop wasting time and money on printing and faxing documents. Share quickly with ease while keeping data secure.
  • Free trial available now!

Countries Encyro Services Available In

Encyro can be used from any country not subject to a US embargo. All data is stored within our data centers located in the US, and is always encrypted and backed up.

For customers in Europe, we can sign a DPA with your business to comply with GDPR requirements.

Encyro Pricing

Send secure messages and attachments for free!

Or upgrade to the Pro account starting at less than $10 per month and start receiving secure messages and files from others who do not have an Encyro account. Pro accounts also get custom branding, compliance settings, audit trails, and the ability to adjust the message expiry duration.

You save 20% on every additional colleague or staff member that you add within your organization to your Encyro Pro account. All users within your organization benefit from unified branding and compliance settings.

All accounts get

  • Unlimited free clients
  • Free Outlook add-in if using Encyro from Microsoft Outlook

Encyro Free Trial Information

Get the 14-day free trial today at encyro.com - no credit card needed.

Trial automatically converts to a free account unless you purchase.

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Encyro Reviews



4 Reviews

Last reviewed on
22 December 2021

What do you think?

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Thursday, November 11, 2021

I like price and how easy was it to use. I was trying different products and I liked Encyro the best for the price.

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Friday, September 17, 2021

Really Great!! need more information about other the features.
It has been really smooth and able to be compatible with my email app.

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Tuesday, September 14, 2021

I use Encyro to communicate with tax and bookkeeping clients. It's easy for parties on both ends to use. I don't hesitate sending confidential information in messages and clients feel relieved knowing they can share sensitive information safely.

It was easy to incorporate into my business, but the one thing that I'm not crazy about is how the contacts files are organized and how the messages are viewed. It would be helpful if the interface was more like that of actual email.

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Tuesday, September 14, 2021

I love how new features come out and they don't charge more money. I love the secure file sharing as well as the secure signing.

The UI could use done work. It's a little clunky.

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