
Zego Reviews

Serchen Index

1 Review

Zego Reviews



1 Review

Last reviewed on
10 June 2024

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Monday, June 17, 2024

Absolutely joke of a company.

Ordered insurance online, then realised I'd done it wrong, so rang up to set up another policy.

The lady on the phone said the old one needed to be cancelled before setting up the new one (great... Or so I thought)

A month later, I have 2 direct debits taken out of my account. One for the old one (that I was assured was cancelled, and the new one)

I called Zego 5 times to sort out, and was on the phone for over 2 hours trying to speak to somebody to help me. When I eventually spoke to someone, they told me i need to ring Premium Credit Ltd as it was down to them. After another long conversation with PCL, I was told it was cancelled, and I needed to speak with Zego, as they hadn't cancelled it their end. So I spent another lifetime on hold, to confirm this with Zego, only to be told somebody will ring me. That was 2 weeks ago, I'm still waiting for the call

2 weeks later, I have more money come out of my account, so I ring Zego to find out what's going on. Spend another hour on hold, only to be told my policy has been cancelled, due to me not signing a credit agreement with Premium Credit Ltd. Again, I was told somebody would call me back asap, as I was at work, and now had no insurance.

After ANOTHER call to Premium Credit Ltd, they tell me I have in fact signed the credit agreement, and they're unsure why my insurance was cancelled.

ANOTHER hour long phone call with Zego to try and sort it out, only to be told I will get a call back as soon as possible

Guess what? Still no call back, still not sorted, and I have spent over £300 to be insured for 2 months and now have to have a day off work to try and sort out, as I'm uninsured. Not very good for a company who offer work vehicle insurance, is it?

Not sure what's going on at this place, but it's definitely a bit shady.

I'll be emailing the insurance ombudsman today, and hopefully get to the bottom of all this dodgy behaviour.


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