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What is FastWebHost? is an industry leader in affordable business web hosting solutions. We are a privately held medium-sized company, debt-free and profitable. is one of the fastest growing hosting companies with over 200,000 domains, rock solid support, and acclaimed network infrastructure.

Since 2001, we have specialized in Linux-based Hosting including WordPress for entrepreneurs and developers alike all over the world. Our mission is to build innovative hosting solutions that are easy to use and provide the highest levels of performance, security, and reliability. Our clients range from top tier designers, popular blogs, apps, and online design communities. We back up our hosting with 24/7 support available by phone, ticket and live chat.

We offer a wide range of solutions from Secure WordPress Hosting, Linux Hosting, Reseller Hosting, Virtual Private Servers (VPS) and Domain Name Registration. We use premium data centers to ensure high connectivity and better reach. Customers can choose between 4 geographically diverse locations.

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FastWebHost Reviews



5 Reviews

Last reviewed on
07 February 2023

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Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Been with them about 15 years, used to be OK for my small sites but then recently went to transfer another domain to them and it's like a different company, a horrible one. Spent days on chat with someone there who seemed like they were just answering with scripted replies, maybe based on keywords. I'd ask a simple question 5 or 6 times and not get a straight answer, but related answers. They screwed up my transfer so that I was unable to receive emails for days and eventually they even ruined my (unrelated) websites, finally telling me there was nothing they could do from there, I'd have to find the problem. Websites were unreachable, all that came up was a "Hello World!" page.

So finally I did login to CPanel, and to my surprise all my website files were gone! I hadn't logged in for over a year so I have no idea what the Hell they did, they had no reason to go in to that area. Luckily with my little knowledge I was able to restore what was there but I had several horrible, stressful days. If I posted our email exchanges during this you wouldn't believe it was real. I'm out as soon as I can get out... for your own sake STAY AWAY!

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Friday, July 4, 2014

Fast Web Host has been selling reseller web hosting package, and incidentally FWH has a satisfactory technical support for its clients.

We have been hosting with them since 2008 with billing cycle from sept - with annual contract / payment. We have been paying happily the bills received and services renewed year by year.

Out of the blue - in mid of contract term, FWH sales personnel chose to terminate annual contract arbitrarily and send the annual bill from earlier dates. Upon protest, they pointed out that for their faulty billing they have under invoiced their client by more than 50%. So they claim to rectify the bill sum and seek the difference from now onwards.
Upon explaining that they have taken annual payment; and if at all they want to increase the billing for next billing period - they have all the rights and customer will have reasonable time to decide, if they wish to continue. BUT they persisted with their extortion like attitude, perhaps assuming that customer can't seek migration in such a quick time frame and will end up paying money demanded. Upon being explained their illegitimate stand and protesting against such unethical behaviour - they suspended the services leaving us hanging and huge suffering including of reputation.

Upon legal threatening, they decided to undo their wrong doing and unsuspend; and allow us to download our data from their server. BUT by then, damage was done. It seems, company has adopted this practice of pressurizing its customer to pay additional sum shamelessly and ruthlessly. Interestingly, they argue that many other customers have happily paid such sum, so you should also pay.

We had another account with them, which was cancelled by them for resource issue. They asked us to leave, but denied us the refund due for 7/8 months of unavailed service on the pretext that we didn't claim it that time. If money is not claimed then does it become unclaimable? BUT their sales personnel have chosen this tactics to extract more money during the contract term.

Any existing customer - who is also forced to pay like this must be cautious in not falling in their money extraction trap. New customers must be extremely careful, as this or worse can happen with them with such unfair and arrogant business practices.

They are shameless to undo their claim, if they are told of legal consequences for their wrongful claim. can they be trusted?

I must say that they have good technical support team 24/7, but how can such vendors be relied upon, who can exploit your constraints.

We have decided to take up this issue in our local consumer court for damages; and request that people with such experiences must also put a claim notice in consumer courts. Consumer courts are quicker and zero cost way to deal with such crook vendors.

If they want to contest any of the above claims through public board, I am willing to make all communication on their support thread public to substantiate my experience.

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Monday, January 13, 2014

My site freezes randomly, server locks and when you contact the so called 'support' they always come back with "It works now" so never fix the causes behind it. Today I was told I'd made changes to my site, when I told them I hadn't they give me a quote from the error log which just states I've blocked some adbot IPs but they didn't even understand that!

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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

I have been with EHostPros (now known as FastWebHost) for as long as I can remember; it's been many years for sure. The CPanel is so easy to use and I have been allowed to setup my website in a way that works best for me. It is one of the cheapest hosting around. What I really like about EHostPros is the level of customer support they give. I am very happy with the service. I am still not used to the new name FastWebHost, so pardon me if I still continue to use the name EHostPros most of the time.

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Thursday, September 6, 2012

Fastwebhost are superb. This host is great. I had read some not so positive reviews on their reliability but I decided that I would take chance on them. I have a Law firm website and we needed reliable email service besides low prices and we are more than happy with the performance and reliability of their service. I was pleasantly surprised by the cpanel tools and apps provided which I did not expect at all. Highly recommended!

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