Tuesday, February 5, 2019 #65508 Oskar Bergo from Murmester Skjølsvold A/S Hello, my name is Oskar Bergo managing director of "murmesterskjoldsvold". I am here to give the feedback about Onlive Infotech company. My website is hosted by Onlive Infotech and I am getting excellent server hosting services and very affordable plans. The company also offers the best hosting services with VPS Server, Dedicated Server and Cloud VPS Server. Thanks to Onlive Infotech Team. Did you find this review helpful?
Monday, February 4, 2019 #65455 Aksel Pedersen from EOK Bygg As Hello, I am Aksel Pedersen and I am owner of "eokbygg". EOK Bygg As is hosted by Onlive Infotech last 2 years. EOK Bygg As offers the best services in Norway. Onlive Infotech is a hosting provider company. Which provides VPS Server, Dedicated Server and Cloud Server according the customer requirements. Thanks to Onlive Infotech Team. Did you find this review helpful?
Thursday, January 31, 2019 #65430 John David from Taranger Consult Hello, My name is John David managing director of "Taranger Consult". I am very glad to Onlive Infotech company for hosting my website. Taranger Consult company have long experience with the transport of boats by sea. Onlive Infotech offers the best hosting services at affordable price. Thanks to Onlive Infotech team. Did you find this review helpful?
Wednesday, January 30, 2019 #65409 Johannessen Nils from BYGG2 AS My name is Johannessen Nils from " BYGG2 AS" I have been using Onlive Infotech services for since 3 years and I am really very happy with the Onlive Infotech team. Onlive Infotech provide good and cost-effective web hosting services. Did you find this review helpful?