Websavers Inc

Websavers Inc

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What is Websavers Inc?

Websavers began in 2004 in Halifax, Nova Scotia as the answer to web hosting companies like GoDaddy and HostGator which provide poor technical support to all but the most basic of users. While their agents read from scripts and hope your problem matches, we provide insightful and data-driven answers to every question sent our way.


From the outset our goal was, and remains, to provide do-it-yourself web services that are easier to use than any of our competitors combined with more power at your fingertips. Balancing the power to do nearly anything web-related with a shared hosting account while simultaneously trying not to overwhelm our users is our ongoing control panel development struggle and joy.

Although we started laser-focused with shared web hosting and empowered support at an affordable price, we've since expanded into related markets that we found lacking such as, Virtual Private Server hosting, performance-focused WordPress development, and simplifying SEO advice and solutions.

We are proudly Canadian. Being based in Nova Scotia, we also bring our Maritime friendliness to work. We are an easy going and energetic team of hosting experts with over 25 years of combined experience working every day for you. By building a workforce that operates from satellite offices (typically their home) and choosing our datacentre partners carefully we aim to be as environmentally friendly as possible for our industry.


While our managing partners are based in Halifax, our physical servers reside just outside of Montreal, Canada. Although we have access to datacentres spanning the globe for those looking for a particular locale, we suggest all of our clients try our Canadian-based servers before investigating an alternative location.

To date, not one client has required an alternative datacentre. We attribute this to our datacentre's private network that connects Canada to both Europe and the US with exclusive high-speed fibre bundles. Most datacentres require shared third party lines to make the same connections, thusly limiting their bandwidth during peak hours.


Our primary datacentre partner is 98% free from air conditioning thanks to highly efficient open chassis design and water cooling, which enables 70% of heat emission dispersal. The power used for fans comes from a nearby hydroelectric dam, making it 100% green energy. Their networks span the globe with over 7Tbps of total bandwidth.


Our Shared Servers and Virtual Private Servers operate on an OpenVZ virtualization layer atop bare metal with specs ranging from 4-16 cores, 32GB – 128GB RAM, 2-6TB storage and unlimited 500Mbit – 1Gbit bandwidth.

Websavers Inc Key Features

Web Hosting

WordPress Hosting

VPS Hosting

Managed Hosting


WordPress Web Development

What is Websavers Inc?

Websavers Inc Product Details

BACKUP & RECOVERY Our disaster recovery backup solution is two-fold, starting with near-instant hard drive failure recovery using parity RAID on most servers and mirrored RAID on all others. Our secondary recovery layer is covered by off-server TLS encrypted rsynced data to massive bit-parity protected dedicated storage servers.

As clocked by StatusCake, our average page load time across all servers is just 0.5s and our average uptime is 99.99%


On our shared servers we implement CSF/LFD to lock down ports and monitor logs and block detected suspicious activity. For our platinum VPS clients using Plesk, there's Fail2ban + Plesk Firewall, enhanced with our own custom filters and actions to keep WordPress safe.

ModSecurity Enhancements: For our application layer firewall, we use ModSecurity with Comodo's web application security ruleset. We take all of our own WordPress + BeaverBuilder testing plus our client's reports into account and create custom exclusions to ensure the WordPress software you love will work great with our hosting while remaining secure.


Plesk uses nginx as a reverse proxy by default, which on its own is a great speed improvement. We've taken this to a whole new level by building custom rule-sets to automatically detect common WordPress caching plugins and serve the static cache directly from nginx. (we currently support WP Super Cache, WP Rocket, WP Fastest Cache, and W3 Total Cache). This bypasses the need to launch an apache process to handle the request via .htaccess. Neat huh?

All-SSD Servers Always Underloaded. The big advantage SSDs provide for hosting isn't so much about their improved transfer speeds, but rather the dramatic improvement in IOPS to ensure your site, when also using plugins and themes that are optimized for speed, can easily attain <100ms TTFB performance results.

Websavers Inc Support & Customer Service

Our Support Reps are Techs & Devs Too!

Our customer support reps actually are technicians and/or developers. This means we can help resolve your problems faster than the majority of the 'big guys' in the hosting space. Simply submit a ticket and see for yourself!

Our Platinum management subscriptions include blocks of hands-on time. Because we use experienced technicians, we can typically do 3-5x the amount of work as your typical first-responder at other hosting companies in the same amount of time.

Countries Websavers Inc Services Available In

Without a CDN, our Quebec (Canada) hosted servers provide sub-80ms latency across Canada, the US, and a good portion of Europe.

Pair our high performance SSD-based hosting with your CDN of choice, and you'll find similar speeds even if your clients are on the other side of the globe! Because of this, we have hundreds of customers hailing from New Zealand, Australia, the Philippines, and Japan.

In other words, we may be Canadian, but you certainly don't have to be to get high performance hosting from Websavers.

Websavers Inc Pricing


  • Helium: Free + domain registration
  • Carbon: $21 / quarter, $60 / year, $96 / 2yr, $108 / 3yr
  • Titanium: $36 / quarter, $120 / year, $204 / 2yr, $270 / 3yr


  • $9.99 / mo / mail account OR $99 / yr / mail account


  • Priced by the resource ranging from $5 / mo to $97 / mo

Websavers Inc Free Trial Information

We offer a 30 day no questions asked money back gurantee for shared and VPS hosting services, excluding licenses and labour completed.

Full details on that guarantee in our terms of service.

Or you could sign up for our Free Helium hosting plan which costs only the price of your domain registration/transfer.

Websavers Inc Alternatives

WP Engine

WP Engine

WordPress Hosting




Truehost Cloud

Truehost Cloud

WordPress Hosting






WordPress Hosting






WordPress Hosting






WordPress Hosting






WordPress Hosting






WordPress Hosting






WordPress Hosting




Host Utopia

Host Utopia

WordPress Hosting





Websavers Inc Reviews



15 Reviews

Last reviewed on
06 December 2019

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Sunday, October 6, 2019

Literally the best web hosting and services company, possibly on the planet earth. We use them for all our hosting needs and the premium service package they offer is incredible. Great knowledgeable service. They are so good Im not convinced the internet would even function without Alan. Thanks Web Savers!!

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Thursday, September 19, 2019

Initial on-boarding experience has been EXTREMELY efficient, professional, and quick. I take pride in my own business that our response times are generally no more than 1 hour when a customer inquiries during business hours. It is very nice to see this elsewhere as well. Websavers responded to a general inquiry within 20ish minutes outside of the typical 9-5, migrated my website, and exchanged several messages with me back and forth within 2 or 3 hours after sign-up. Absolutely top-notch service. Highly recommended!

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Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Best hosting company in Canada

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Wednesday, June 19, 2019

I can't say enough good things about Websavers!!! I was terrified at the thought of switching my 9 year old Squarespace site to Wordpress. Websavers literally SAVED ME!! They saved me from anxiety, fear, and stress with their ever-present support and help, plus, the price was SO REASONABLE. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR EVERYTHING!!!!!

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Friday, February 22, 2019

They are very responsive, provide excellent service and have very competitive pricing! What more can I say?

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Sunday, February 10, 2019

Excellent support. That's where the rubber meets the road. Kudos.

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Friday, October 5, 2018

I've been dealing with hosting companies since 2002 for my own company website and in the last few years, for clients. Though I grew up in the US and am a long-term resident of Tokyo, Japan, Websavers is now the only hosting company I use. I love how these guys are always available to answer questions and help me troubleshoot. I've never met them in person but their commitment to customer service and the way they communicate makes me feel like we are a team.

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Saturday, May 26, 2018

We have been hosting about 25 sites on a resellers account with Websavers for over a year. Response is always fast for the few problems we have had. Was great to find a Canadian hosting company with reasonable rates. Highly recommended.

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Wednesday, March 22, 2017

I am in Australia and through my support group, Web Designer Beauty School, I have read and heard SO many good reviews about Websavers, so I decided to move my hosting there. The service to date is beyond words. I cannot recommend them highly enough. Fast, helpful, friendly and then some. I'd give 10 stars if I could.

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Wednesday, February 1, 2017

The company I work for (BentoSMB) uses Websavers for all of our client websites and we have been EXTREMELY impressed with the speed of our websites and the customer support we've received. All of the tickets that we submit get responded to promptly and the Websavers staff does a great job explaining what the issue is and what steps they are taking to resolve the issue. After working with a few other web hosting companies, it is evident that Websavers provides the best service for our business. Keep up the good work!

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