Wednesday, September 28, 2022 #104745 Dominic S The BEST part about Freshale's is the endless capability for customizations and integrations. This allows users to create systems of follow up with multiple points of contact to the client. The new future to manage duplicates was a great addition. I also love the capability to attach documents to client files, really comes in handy. Did you find this review helpful?
Saturday, September 17, 2022 #104744 Aatish B Comprehensive CRM tool which blends in with your e-mail box. Primary advantage is that it screens and displays e-mails only from the contacts listed in the CRM (no need to browse through internal / vendor communication, while searching for any e-mail). Further, it categorizes conversations corresponding to a particular person (contact), company or any deal. Also, including complete record of calls, e-mails, chat and other communication to one customer by various people in the organization The ease of task delegation / collaboration with others in the team is a cakewalk with FreshSales. Another benefit is task, appointment reminders across time zones. In addition to this, it can also tag the location for the meeting accurately on google maps / Uber app. Tracking of e-mails - it not only tracks if the e-mail is opened but records the number of times it has been opened with the respective time-stamp. One more highlight is the bulk e-mailing to the complete database at a single click. Importantly, the e-mails are recorded as individual emails to parties in your e-mail box with a metric analysis of opens, bounces, clicks of the shared hyperlink. Second aspect to the CRM tool is the managerial feature of generating reports. It displays reports for all team members with respective sales activities, follow-ups, action items against every deal. Access of complete database via the mobile App! This enables quick review and follow-up drastically reducing response time to customers. Did you find this review helpful?
Friday, August 26, 2022 #104743 Wolfgang Z There is so much in Freshsales that it is impossible to list all the pro's. But only a few functions are needed to get started. Appart from easy accesible menus, logic selectable filters, customizable deal overviews, pipelines and workflow automatization, all you need to do is upload your client data from e.g. an Excel file and you are basically ready to roll. At every step getting to know Freshsales I was able to contact Customer Support via chat and was guided non-stop during my 30 day trial. You can even book sveral one on one remote sessions to have all your questions answered and shown on screen. The knowledge database also is very well organized with videos and FAQ's. Did you find this review helpful?