Daylite for Mac & iPhone

Daylite for Mac & iPhone

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What is Daylite for Mac & iPhone?

Daylite is a small business CRM designed specifically for businesses on the Mac, iPhone & iPad.

Apple supported features:

  • Sync with Apple Contacts
  • Sync with iCal
  • Integrate with Apple Mail

Why small businesses love Daylite:

  • Simplify your business: Keep track of clients, deals, and projects all in one place

  • Stay top of mind: Create follow-up lists to make it easy to stay in touch with clients and prospects

  • Save time: Create custom email templates for personalized reach outs

  • Increase sales: Close more deals by tracking every deal through customized pipelines

  • Improve efficiency: Make sure everyone follows the right steps with custom checklists for projects and clients

  • More control: Get an overview of all your deals and projects

Daylite for Mac & iPhone Key Features

Contact Management

Interaction Tracking

List Segmentation

Email Templates

Task Management

Lead & Pipeline Management

Project Management

Apple Mail Integration

Sync with Apple Contacts & Calendars

Offline Access

What is Daylite for Mac & iPhone?

Daylite for Mac & iPhone Free Trial Information

Try Daylite free for 30 days - no limitations and no credit card required!

Daylite for Mac & iPhone Pricing

Get all the Daylite Mac CRM features all for one price.

$29 USD per seat per month (Monthly) $24 USD per seat per month (Annually)

Daylite for Mac & iPhone Support & Customer Service

95% Customer Satisfaction Rating! Live Chat & Email Support

Customer Support Hours: 9am-5pm Eastern Monday-Friday

Daylite for Mac & iPhone Product Details

Daylite brings together the best of a CRM and Project Management app all into one place.

Track a client from initial meeting to closed deal, then all the way through completing the project and following up for referrals and repeat business.

  • Track leads and close deals
  • Follow up and stay in touch with clients
  • Manage and track projects
  • Work offline or on the go
  • Share everything with your team and control permissions

Daylite for Mac & iPhone Alternatives



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Daylite for Mac & iPhone Reviews



18 Reviews

Last reviewed on
12 June 2020

What do you think?

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Thursday, June 11, 2020

Daylite allows me to effortlessly keep track of daily tasks, keep in touch with clients and focus on new opportunities. Further, it allows me to spend my day much more efficiently and focus on what's most important-my client relationships. My day begins and ends with Daylite. I consider it one of my most powerful tools for getting the most out of my business!
To date, I have not found anything that I dislike about the platform. I would say that our team really only used a fraction of Daylite's capabilities until recently. Once you start digging in, you quickly realize there's a lot more you can do with it. You couldn't convince me to use anything else.

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Saturday, May 9, 2020

I used the software for over 5 years and I recently came back to it having started a company with a partner. It is perfect to centralize the information and keep everything transparence.

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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

User-friendly platform for scalable client data storage

I like that you can organize everything from client contact info, names, dates, their role in the business pipeline, and attach emails. In our business we had 20 years of client data that we could draw from all in one place.
Review collected by and hosted on

What do you dislike?
When I had to go on the road with my laptop, sometimes it would run slowly or be difficult to get to sync with my emails since it’s such a large program. It needed a lot of assistance from IT setting up and maintaining security and backup files.

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Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Absolutely love the product. Marketcircle continues to update and revise the software. Would love if the developers came out with more detailed specifics for the Real Estate.

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Friday, February 14, 2020

Overall: I run everything on Daylite. I couldn't imagine life without it
Pros: Love the clean look of Daylite, and I love how it connects things together. All the info I need is right there.
Cons: I haven't found it brilliant for Sales Analysis, such as things like conversion ratios, value of projects / customers etc. But maybe I'm just not good enough with the software. Also not great for tracking time management. The software is designed for Macs - great. But some of my colleagues need to run financial software and so have to use Windows machines. It would be great if they could use Daylite too - but they can't. So we have to run multiple systems.

1 of 1 people found this review helpful.
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Thursday, February 13, 2020

As mentioned above we run virtually the entire business outside of financial accounting on Daylite. We have been able to adapt Daylite to our operation and visa versa to create one software environment for the entire business. With Daylite we, Quote, Project Manage, Manage Contracts, Perform Plant Maintenance, Correspond, Email, Manage and Schedule Sales, Keep diary records, Keep and share company specific information among the workforce, manage employees, perform all of our safety management requirement, perfume quality assurance management requirements.

1 of 1 people found this review helpful.
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Saturday, February 1, 2020

Overall: Daylite is my #1 choice under all CRM Tools I've tested so far and it's worth and one main reason to stay on a Mac!
Pros: Daylite has a very easy to use Interface on all Plattforms (Macs and Mobiles), thefore it is simply available at all time I need the features and informations I've stored in it earlier.
Cons: Daylite does not give me enough support to sort or group information in variuous screens and it doest not always store information in an ordered manner.

1 of 1 people found this review helpful.
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Friday, January 31, 2020

Overall: I am happy with the SW and how it helps me to get things done in a logical and efficient manner. It also allows me to get things "down on paper" so I do not have to remember them or worry about forgetting something. If you use David Allen's GTD philosophies, then you will like DayLite. I have also used Sugar, but found that focused too much on office-based users. I travel internationally 70-80% and need to be able to run my business from the back of a taxi, in the airplane and in my hotel room after a long day. DayLite does a good job of helping to do that efficiently and keeping my sanity.
Pros: It is relatively intuitive and easy to use. Also good for people with a mobile office set-up as it interacts well between iPhone, iPad and MacBook. Customer support is good, albeit only via email and chat.
Cons: It has some limitations and inflexibilities that sometimes frustrate me, or force me to use "old-fashioned" work-arounds.

1 of 1 people found this review helpful.
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Thursday, January 30, 2020

Pros: It keeps my whole life organised. I work at two different companies and teach a couple of university courses each year so my life is busy. Daylite enables me to keep track of projects and people. It keeps everything I need in one place.
Cons: It's a function of how calendars work, so it's not a problem that Daylite caused, but it can be difficult to keep calendars synched across a variety of platforms and devices.

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Thursday, January 30, 2020

I just cannot imaging how we would track things otherwise. The linking principle provides the perfect holistic approach.
Pros: It does almost everything for me allowing for a framework, boundary, clarity of process and ultimately closure to everything that I'm doing. I don't have the niggling doubts of 'what have I forgotten'. I am very creative and with it comes a misted cloud of thought which when undefined brings uncertainty, lack of process and ultimately stress and anxiety. If I have an idea out jogging I add it quickly to my inbox. That thought is not part of a process and I no longer need to ruminate. I stress far far less and genuinely it has been beneficial to my help resultantly.
Cons: There are some clunky issues navigating. Like being in contacts in the iphone and wanting add the person name that's just mailed me but I can't navigate to that mail. I just need to refine my process I think.

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